Integral Choice

3 Signs Your Company’s Phone System is Outdated

Your company’s phone system is essential for conducting business. While many business owners strive to minimize overhead costs and hold out on upgrades until they’re absolutely necessary, your phones are one resource which should never be compromised. To ensure your business phone system solutions evolve with your company as it grows, look for the following warning signs that you may be due for an upgrade.

3 Indicators You Need to Update Your Business Phone System

1.Outdated Phones

Businesses that use obsolete phone hardware are taking a huge risk. Should something go wrong with phones that are no longer supported, your IT team will struggle to resolve the issue, and any necessary repairs or upgrades could force your company to go off the grid for hours or even days. Investing in a new business phone system solution now can prevent you from dealing with unexpected and costly service gaps. New phones can also provide enhanced capabilities, including remote access and automated attendants.

2.Company Expansions

If you’ve recently added new departments or facilities, you’ll need a way to support internal communications. In addition, your business’s phone system should make it easy for callers to reach appropriate support staff without having to keep track of multiple phone numbers. Consider a business phone system solution which supports unified communications to support scalability as your company grows.

3.Increased Call Volume

Having more callers is typically a good thing, as it suggests a thriving business. However, a busy signal can be a deterrent for customers, as it suggests a lack of technological advancement. Adding more lines or upgrading to VoIP, which enables telephone services over the internet, can ensure customers will always be able to get through.