
What is a hosted Data Center ?

A hosted data center allows an organization to utilize the services, features and capabilities of a data center but through an external hosted platform.

What is a data center?

In simple words, a data center is a physical facility that is used by organizations and businesses to store their critical applications and data.

The design of the data center enables the delivery of shared applications and data through a network of computing, storage resources and Data services.

Data centers are often considered to be a single unit, however in reality they are made up of several technical elements. Routers, switches, firewalls, storage systems, physical servers etc. are some of the key components of a data center design.

These data center design can be broken down into three categories:

  • Compute: Components like physical servers that provide the memory and processing power to run the applications.
  • Storage: Vital enterprise data is stored using different storage devices like tape or drives in a data center.
  • Networking: Routers, switches, application-delivery controllers etc. are used to connect the data center components to the outside world.

IT requires the above mentioned components for storage and management of the most critical resources that are crucial for the seamless operation of a business or an organization.

Due to its critical role in business operations, the data centers need to be reliable, efficient and highly secure.

Along with the technical equipment, a data center also requires a range of facilities infrastructure for keeping the hardware and software up and running.

The physical infrastructure includes power subsystems, uninterruptable power supplies (UPS), proper ventilation and power cooling systems, backup generators and cables for connecting to the external network operators.

What is a hosted data center? What Does Data Center Hosting Mean ?

The deployment and hosting of a data center on any third-party or external service provider’s infrastructure are known as Data Center Hosting.

A hosted data center allows an organization to utilize the services, features and capabilities of a data center but through a hosted platform that is external to the on-premises data center or IT infrastructure.

Data center hosting is also known as managed hosting as it is carried out through a cloud or managed data center service provider. All the data and applications are migrated to the hosted data center from the existing data center.

It is the responsibility of the service provider to provide power and a set up for basic operations to the data center facility.

The service provider may either allocate a whole data center to a hosting client or they may offer shared infrastructure to different clients depending on their requirements.

The hosting clients can access to the data center and its resources over the Internet or a secured connection.

Benefits of Data Center Hosting

Data center hosting offers many benefits to an organization, the key benefit being a reduction in overall costs.

It helps lower the infrastructure and server management costs as the businesses no longer have to invest in buying new storage hardware or hiring staff for maintaining the hardware.

With data center hosting the organizations need not invest a huge amount on purchasing backup power generators, HVAC units, UPS etc. which are very integral and important in running a data center efficiently.

When privately managed data centers are upgrading to higher end application they may face power outages which can disrupt and hamper the whole process. At this time server colocation ensures that the power supplies remain uninterrupted.

A hosted data center offers a business with 100% Uptime Service Level Agreements (SLAs). With data center hosting solutions a business can enjoy working on the best networking systems that are highly reliable.

Many complex applications require higher bandwidth and colocation of servers is the most cost-effective solution for it. Businesses can enjoy the benefits of bulk pricing instead of negotiating for multiple contracts.

A Data center hosting provider offers round-the-clock support facilities. Data breaches have become common and to protect your data, outsourcing to a hosted data center ensures that your data is protected against unlawful access, fire or natural calamities.

Integral Choice is a Telecommunication and Cloud Agency whose main focus is working on Customer Migration to hosted data centers and contact center services.

We aim to provide businesses with the best IT solutions that will help save them lots of money. Get in touch with our team at (678) 255-2707.

if you want to know how we can help reduce your capital expenditures and accelerate the implementation of technology with managed services.